A reflection process for
emerging & established leaders
emerging & established leaders
Welcome to Video Library for the Year-End Power Pause

What you will find here are a set of videos for each of the 4-steps plus a completion video, in which we will walk you through the process, following the Year End Power Pause Guidebook (access the guidebook here).
- REFLECT – review your accomplishments, progress, successes, wins, personally and professionally.
- RECEIVE – pause to acknowledge, savor and honor what you have created, caused, and achieved.
- RELEASE – transform the shorts, disappointments, and unexpected challenges.
- RESET – gather wisdom learned from this past year and apply it forward in the next, reset focus for your year-end & year-start, and create space to restore and replenish so go into the new year fresh.
We love taking people through this process in a creative, inspirational and insightful way that truly makes this an experience that goes with you into the next year.
To get started, if you haven’t yet tuned into the Introduction video, do so below. This will give you an overview of the reflection process. And then we can dive into Step 1: Reflect.
Note: We recommend viewing the videos in full screen mode. Makes it more of an experience we are doing together, vs. a video you are watching. Also you may want to bookmark this page, or we made the URL very simple to find again www.PowerPauseLibrary.com
Illuminate the Successes & Progress
and How You Made a Difference & Grew
and How You Made a Difference & Grew
We start the Power Pause by shining light on the successes you’ve achieved this year – there are more than you are likely giving yourself credit for! There are two videos for this step, as outlined in the Guidebook in the Reflect section:
- Part One: Redefining Your Definition of Success – we’ll take you through 7 ways to start expanding your definition of success, which is going to elevate your mindset for how you see your own success, and give you a deeper sense of satisfaction, accomplishment and impact.
- Part Two: Remembering Process, Visualization & Making Your Successes Visible – we’ll briefly walk you through the overall process, including how to look through at your life through both a personal + professional lens in 4 categories each, and work with the templates. Around 13:00 in, Christine will take you through a guided visualization back through the year.
Part One:
Part Two:
Acknowledge the Impact of your Choices, Care & Effort,
the Progress Made & The Growth You’ve Achieved
the Progress Made & The Growth You’ve Achieved
This next step is essential, do not skip it. Two reasons we feel so much pressure to keep moving, doing, and making stuff happen are that we judge we should have accomplished & done more, and we rarely pause to acknowledge & feel proud of what we’ve done & become this past year.
Your mind + body + heart all need to register that the events of the past actually happened, at a visceral, felt level or it’s like they never occurred. We’ll take you through a creative way to feel, honor, acknowledge and even celebrate the result of the energy, effort, care and presence you gave.
Release & Transform this Year’s “Shorts”
into Self-Supportive, Empowering Action
into Self-Supportive, Empowering Action
When you release the self-criticism & disappointment tied to the shortcomings that occurred in the past year, you stop repeating the same self-sabotaging habits & choices. When you acknowledge the impact of the unexpected challenges that arose this past year that were out of your control, the stress and invisible pressure releases, and you can walk into next year lighter.
We will take you through a 3-step process to provide insight, relief and a supportive, empowering way to move forward, with two visual templates that take this beyond a mental exercise into an embodied release and transformation.
Note: This video is the longest in the process because as it turns out, we need space to touch into the unconscious feelings lurking just below the surface and then transform them into wisdom and action that can be truly useful (and liberating) going forward. Don’t let that scare you – think of this like a 38-minute massage for your head & heart to work out the knots. ☺
Harvest the Wisdom So How &
What You Do in 2024 Happens with
More Ease, Grace & Clarity
What You Do in 2024 Happens with
More Ease, Grace & Clarity
What you are looking for here are what we call “pearls of wisdom” that were likely earned through yours and others effort, resiliency and capacity to rise to meet challenges and opportunities this past year.
We’ll take you through a 3-step experience using the visual thinking template that is like a compass that can guide you into and through next year – we call it the Wisdom & Wellbeing Wheel. Like harvesting a field that you tended all year, this is where all the gold to take into next year is.
Where to Go From Here &
What and How to Share
What and How to Share
Repeat this text and I will fix later. What you are looking for here are what we call “pearls of wisdom” that were likely earned through yours and others effort, resiliency and capacity to rise to meet challenges and opportunities this past year.
We’ll take you through a 3-step experience using the visual thinking template that is like a compass that can guide you into and through next year – we call it the Wisdom & Wellbeing Wheel. Like harvesting a field that you tended all year, this is where all the gold to take into next year is.
About Your Facilitators & The Power Pause System

Christine Arylo, MBA, is a transformational leadership advisor, teacher, and author who works with emerging & established leaders to create new ways of working and making an impact that lead to sustainable success & wellbeing for people, teams, organizations and the planet. Marrying 25 years of business & entrepreneurial experience with 20 years of extensive human-consciousness & leadership training, she’s known for bringing new perspectives, profound insight, and practical tools that empower people to lead within their lives, organizations, communities, and relationships differently. Arylo is a best-selling author of 4 books, a TEDx speaker, and an expert at developing transformational experiences & innovative learning curriculum. Connect at ChristineArylo.com or www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/.

Katherine Torrini is a graphic recorder, facilitator and strategic illustrator who has brought her visual magic to the likes of NASA, Dell, Coca-Cola, Chevron, AT&T, Southwest Airlines and The Institute for the Future. The common thread through all of Katherine’s work is her passion for reconnecting people to their innate creativity and empowering them to use it to live their most fulfilling lives—personally and professionally. Connect at www.CreativeCatalyst.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherine-torrini/.

Power Pauses are visually facilitated, cyclical planning sessions that provide a more creative and collaborative process to prioritizing, focusing, setting expectations and making progress on goals based on how humans and teams naturally work best. These strategic sessions usually happen at quarterly or twice-yearly intervals and work great for teams or for leader/managers, and include:
- The Year-Start or Year-End Power Pause: Creating From Momentum – occurs in mid-late January for teams, giving teams a place to land post-holiday, or in early December to create a path for downshifting. The focus is on reflecting on the team successes, shorts, and impact, and create a path and focused priorities to sustainable success and wellbeing in the next year, from the wisdom gained and lessons learned.
- The Team Prioritizing & Synergy Power Pause – occurs at the start of the business calendar year or in March or September for teams to get clear on how best to focus, prioritize and work together for a specific time span – year, half year, or quarter. Can include workshops focused on working wiser vs. harder, stress personalities & wellbeing strategies, and creating greater synergy & connection among team members.
- The Mid-Year Power Pause: Review. Re-align. Refocus. – occurs in July/August for teams or managers & leaders to pause at half-year, review goals & priorities, and re-set focus for the second half of year.
This whole-brain approach, centered around sustainable success for individuals, teams, and organizations, alleviates burnout and overwhelm, reduces fragmentation of resources and unnecessary work, and leads to an overall greater impact to business success and employee wellbeing. Individuals and teams become more innovative, flexible and resilient, and people feel more engaged, connected and empowered.
The Power Pause methodology is a propriety system that can be customized and licensed for teams and organizations through the Expanding Possibility Consulting Group. We love working with teams, training leaders & managers, and creating experiences for people that support both individual & organizational wellbeing and success. We ask that these materials and processes are not reproduced or shared. Thank you.

To learn more or explore bringing this to your team, group or organization:
Reach out to Christine Arylo at Christine@ExpandingPossibility.org