Cultivate the Courage, Breakthrough the Fear + Conjure Up the Faith and...
Take the Bold Steps That Scare + Stretch You… Now.
With the Support of Your Feminine Supers Powers + the Power of Sisterhood
This October a circle of daring women from around the world will embark on a rare journey.
Take the Bold Steps That Scare + Stretch You… Now.
With the Support of Your Feminine Supers Powers + the Power of Sisterhood
This October a circle of daring women from around the world will embark on a rare journey.
We will breakthrough our core fears, strengthen our faith muscles, and unleash our innate feminine power & presence to create the realities we desire - for ourselves & the world - in our work, relationships, health, wealth, and life - NOW!
You are invited to join us.
There is no question that we are living in intense and uncertain times where who we’ve been and how we’ve operated will not support us on the path ahead. I’ve been hearing from so many women from around the world - and perhaps you’ve been feeling this too - things like:
I feel like the life I am living belongs to an outdated version of myself - there is so much more of me to express. I am ready to be more visible, be a stronger presence, put myself out there….but sometimes fear bubbles up and I pull back.
There is this force that is pulling inside me to make changes - in my work, relationships, personal health and priorities - but I just can’t see the path or how it all works.I feel stuck, overwhelmed and like things aren’t moving fast enough.
I have trusted and followed my heart before - but I’m afraid if I take these leaps or I go for my dreams now,I might fail, I might not have enough of what I need to survive or I might lose what I’ve worked so hard to attain.
The levels of surrender and trust required to navigate the shifts and turns we are called to make right now can feel daunting, frustrating, scary, and unnerving - they can even make us feel “crazy.”
About every woman I know who is awake, open-hearted, and desiring to live her greatest life, in alignment with her soul, is being called to her “edge” - personally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
It’s like our souls are beckoning... “Let go of things that no longer fit and leap into the unknown” - in our relationships, jobs, homes, careers, wealth, health, lifestyles, and habits. Anything that stems from false security, diminishes our most true presence or distracts us from our soul path - we either surrender it or we suffer through it.
It feels scary, uncomfortable and if we are honest, there are times we’d rather pull the covers over our heads, or quit and just resign ourselves to do something easier…
YET you aren’t going to QUIT … BECAUSE you really believe you can SOAR. BECAUSE AND who you are + what you offer MATTERS.
I bet, like most of us, what you REALLY, REALLY NEED
Is some COURAGE, FAITH and SACRED SISTERHOOD right about now to guide you.
As Melissa Etheridge, in her song “Heart of a Woman,”
echoes so powerfully...
How do you stretch into the shifts your soul is calling for without stressing or selling yourself out?
How do you conjure up the courage to keep taking steps towards the reality you desire, even when you’re scared or the path isn’t clear?
FIRST... WE GET HONEST. News flash! We ALL have fear.
Yep. Like over-stuffed handbags, we are all carrying around different brands of fear in our hearts - we can’t see it, but it’s in there, sabotaging us.
The unspoken fears are what diminishes our power and distracts us from focusing on what truly matters. It defends us against the very things our heart’s desire. It drives us to waste time, energy and money on the wrong things. It causes us to shrink when we want to expand and whisper when we are called to shout.
In short, fear causes us as women to doubt and forget who we TRULY are: Powerful forces of feminine light. Unstoppable energy when we are living and acting from the deep wisdom innate to our hearts. Emotionally intelligent forces of nature designed to feel our way through life's trials and opportunities.
SO... If the truth can set us free, then let’s collectively admit we are scared and get on with it!
We get conscious about how our unique brand of fear is sabotaging us + then we use our Feminine Super Powers to alchemize the crap out of it!
Fear is specific. It knows your weakness well. It hits you where you’re most vulnerable.
Fear rejection? It’ll convince you that you don’t belong + you have to do it on your own, keeping you working too hard on the wrong things. It’ll stop you from reaching out. It’ll keep you stuck in relationships + situations that weigh you down.
Fear failing? It’ll point out all the ways you aren’t qualified, equipped or prepared. It’ll keep you stuck getting ready instead of taking action steps now.
Fear being seen or fear never being seen? It’ll shine a spotlight on how you are overlooked and overwhelmed. Stuck, waiting for circumstances to be just right (which they never are). It’ll keep your dreams elusive and in the future.
But… we as women have super powers that are stronger when we unite! Fear has the most power over us when we feel alone, unsupported and without the resources we need. But, when we collectively illuminate the fear - so we can see it + feel it - and tap into our feminine well of power, we can transform the fear that’s been holding us down into fuel for our souls!
In Sacred Sisterhood, we take the actions our souls are calling us to take, in this moment, now, one simple but mighty step at at time!
Women pervasively lack the support systems & tools we need to navigate these intense and uncertain times. Now more than ever, we require direct access to our divine wisdom and stronger - yet simple - practices to stay centered, think clearly, and keep moving forward in alignment with our unique soul’s path, regardless of fear, uncertainty or what others are doing or saying around us.
I call these our ‘feminine super powers.’
The good news is… the ancient sages left us super power tools, practices and wisdom traditions than can be applied to your modern, day-to-day life and for 40-days we will put these into practice so you are fully supported to make the soul stretches you are being called to make - now, as we end 2016 and begin anew in 2017.
Here’s what Women are Banding Together to Collectively Create through the 40-Day Super Power Practice:
FREEDOM to more fully express their authentic self in their work, relationships, and creative self expression - as who they are NOW and with the freedom to explore who they are evolving into.
CONFIDENCE to follow the deep guiding wisdom of their heart, no matter what their mind (or anyone else for that matter) has to say about it.
FAITH to let go of ‘The Plan’ and to step into the unknown and follow their ‘Divine Plan’.
COURAGE to take a leap, create shifts, and step out more visibly as the powerful feminine presence they are in all areas of their life.
CLARITY on their exact next steps so they can stop saying “I don’t see how this can work” and instead start saying “I know exactly what I need to do next” so they have clarity about what actions they are going to take.
SUPPORT to stretch themselves without completely stressing themselves. They get clear on what they need to feel supported and safe while they expand.
STRONG CIRCLES OF SISTERHOOD that keep them centered and focused when they get wobbly, find themselves facing a big soul stretch or when they simply can’t trust themselves.
COMPASSION to be patient, understanding and gentle with yourself as you grow and stretch so you learn to motivate themselves through love not pressure.
WISDOM to make courageous changes using the support of divine timing that will sustain them, instead of reckless reactions that will ultimately drain them.
MOMENTUM in their current soul stretch + fuel to keep stretching on their sacred path through the end of this year and into the next.
Courageous Women Wrestle with Fear and Doubt. They Just Choose to Feel the Fear and Act Anyway
They Trust Their Innate Feminine Wisdom and Wield Their Feminine Super Powers to Stay Aligned with Their Unique Soul’s Path.
I Invite You to Embark on this 40-day Practice to Support You To Stretch into What’s Calling Your Heart with Fierce Feminine Power.
Together, we’ll Conjure up the Courage, Clarity and Momentum to Step into the Sacred Shifts that Both Scare and Stretch Us.
Consider yourself invited. The adventure starts on October 15th. The details are below. Read them and if something stirs in your heart join us.
I can’t wait to see what unfolds for you!
Unleash the Feminine Heart:
A 40-Day Courage Boost, Fear
Cleanse + Faith Lift
Starts on Saturday, October 15th
Here’s what Women Who Have Had Transformative Experiences with Me Say About How It’s Supported Them...
Christine fearlessly guided me to go beyond what I thought was possible to expand my vision of my Self and purpose. She’s like a personal trainer for catalyzing spiritual discovery, expansion, and manifestation for those ready to accept that possibility and make it real. Christine has guided me to come into my own as a feminine leader and has given me practical tools to create my life from a place of wisdom, grounded intuition and passionate activism.
- Karin Bauer, MBA, Ph.D.c Angel Investor and Advisor
When I met Christine, I was torn between the life I knew, and the one I knew was possible, but had no idea how to create on my own. Christine provided the right combination of wisdom, kindness and catalytic energy to help me emerge with the life I truly desired.
Christine is and will always be one of the mentors who rocked my world so that I can rock the world too. Through Christine, I received practices that changed how I work, plan, engage and show up. She guided me to see my wisdom and special gifts to give to the world.
- AmyJo Mattheis, Executive Director of Sacred Feminine Non Profit
How The 40-Day Super Power Practice Works:
Using the simple structure of a 40-day practice – you and a daring tribe of women – will be supported & inspired to move through your “soul stretch,” open up your “Crazy Wise Woman Wisdom” channels, and gain momentum to create the realities you desire now, step by step, making shifts that stick, together.
The practice occurs inside your real life to SUPPORT YOU in what you are already doing and desiring. It’s not another to do, it makes what you already desire to do more powerful and possible.
40-days - the yogi’s, scientists and spiritual teachers agree – is the magical amount of days it takes to break limiting patterns and sabotaging habits and break through to new expanded levels of being and creating (it takes 28-31 days for your brain to shift, another 10 for your soul and heart to integrate).
I create the structure for you – to follow through on shifts and bold actions you’d never take on your own.
I share with you the same practices I - and some of the most masterful transformational teachers I know - use to clear fear and doubt + conjure up clarity and courage to step forward into the unknown, with wise courage. None of us got these in school or on the job. And we need them to thrive at this time, including super power practices and tools to.
The tribe of other daring women create a field of intention and sisterhood that keeps you accountable + committed to yourself – so you don’t give up, settle or shrink back on what your heart truly desires.
You gain insight into how your feminine heart + both the fear + the courage live inside it – so you can forever have the tools to alchemize the fear and elevate your reality.
You become more deeply committed to your true desires and gain the power to unleash your heart and soul to more freely and fully express – NOW.
You gain momentum to fly into 2017 with fear at your back, faith under your wings and the support you need to thrive and stay on your path, aligned to your truth + crazy wisdom!
We are more powerful together than we are on our own.
This Practice is designed to be “super powered support” that flows right into your life - Here’s The Structure...
As your guide, my intention is that you receive the personal insight + courage + simple but potent practices + ancient feminine wisdom + momentum + sisterhood to thrive through your soul stretch and to navigate the uncharted - but exciting -- path ahead!
Simple delivery. Simple focus. Mighty Impact.
I’ve perfected a flow for these 40-day practices that gives you support + structure without overwhelming you, giving you practices, insights and tools that you put to use in your life right away:
First, we gather for a LIVE “Activation” Circle on Day 1 – attend live or later via recording – on the Full Moon (super power time for expanding and illuminating!) We will gather in virtual circle to set the foundation for your 40-days, including “X-Raying” your feminine heart to find your unique brand of fear + claim your Soul Stretch. Attend via video or audio on Saturday, October 15th (or watch via recording).
Every week you’ll ‘plug’ into our “Super Power Station” (imagine a docking station in the cosmos for courageous women to get charged up)– via live or recorded video and audio stream. Each week, for 5 weeks, you’ll receive your “Crazy Wisdom Pack” giving you ‘super powers’ to take action in your life from your unleashed feminine heart. At the start of each week, you’ll receive a:
“Super Power” transmission from me, Christine Arylo, to super charge the week full of courage, clarity and wise woman wisdom - a 30-minute session you can attend live or watch/listen to the recording to orient.
Practice for Clearing the Fear – in 3 to 11 minutes so fear doesn’t build up.
Practice for Opening Up your Crazy Wisdom Channel – get that intuitive guidance flowing so you can illuminate the path ahead.
Then you’ll go into your life each week, unleash your heart, lean into your soul stretch, alchemize the fear + create momentum by taking one:
Daring Act of Courage - based on the soul stretch you claimed and the fear you daringly choose to alchemize, these acts will turn your desires into reality, now.
Support Stretch – an act you take to receive the support you need to successfully stretch and step forward – vulnerable, self-loving and oh so rewarding!
And to keep you on track, you’ll get a daily Courage Boost from my heart to yours (via email) that will keep you connected, committed and focused. It may be a meditation, a piece of love art, a story of another courageous women’s journey, a short but mighty practice. People say they LOVE receiving these.
Around Day 20 – which I call the “Hit Your Shit and Recommit” point – we will gather for a live virtual Feminine Super Power Circle to recommit, refocus and deepen with whatever is coming up. I’ve done these practices for almost a decade, and this halfway point is where the ego LOVES to distract you. I won’t let fear win. I’ll be here calling the circle so all you have to do I lean in.
You will also be invited to a private online community where you can plug in, get courage boosts, celebrate daring acts and clear the fear all along the way – full of love, support and wisdom from me, my Feminine Super Power Guides and the daring women in this circle.
On Day 40, we will gather for a Special Closing Ritual to Lock in the Wisdom + Feminine Super Power + Send You into the coming year emotionally stronger, mentally clearer and overall more centered and poised in your feminine power and presence.
For 40 days we will travel and journey together. And you will complete this 40-day practice stronger.
Opening up your feminine wisdom channels. Strengthening your faith muscles. Stepping past fear to unleash your heart. Putting super power practices into place that will support you as with courage, you step forward, open up, expand and soar through 2016 and into 2017!
Unleash the Feminine Heart: A 40-Day Courage Boost, Fear Cleanse + Faith Lift
Starts on Saturday, October 15th
Register Now
1-Payment of $248
3-Payments of $88
My Guarantee
I know these 40-day practices work. And I also know that while your soul is craving shift, expansion and freedom, there are “other” parts of you that want to cling to what is comfortable and keep you distracted or eeking along. Fear is like that.
I believe so much in the power of women coming together to make shift happen, that we offer a full, money-back guarantee if you decide you want to cancel your participation in the practice within 15 days of the start.
And I do hope you will give yourself the support you need and deserve.
None of us can do this alone. Support does not make us weak. It makes us strong.
** And For All Who Register, You’ll Also Receive... **
The Feminine Heart Power Pack
Super Power for Strengthening + Freeing Your Heart on ALL Levels
When I think of the “feminine heart” I consider all parts - physical, emotional and spiritual. We need all 3 of these parts strong and working together. SO I reached out to some of my colleagues, other transformational teachers, who are experts in the physical and emotional realms to create this Feminine Heart Power Pack ($265 value) so we can make that heart of yours as strong as possible for the journey ahead.
The Feminine Heart Power Pack includes four special teachings – focused on the physical, emotional, spiritual and emotional parts of our feminine hearts – so we can unleash your heart wisdom, heal the tender spots, take care of you physically & create the supportive tribe you need to thrive- + a pack of Love Art from my heart to yours (that’ll be arriving at your doorstep!)
I will weave these into our 40-days and you will have access for a lifetime.
A HEALTHY HEART is a Strong & Balanced Force:
Ancient Ayurvedic Wisdom with Dr. Deepak Chopra
The “Discovering Ayurveda” online course -
your tuition is already paid for,
Deepak’s and my gift to you.
I HEART Ayurveda. It’s part of my super power tool kit on a daily, weekly and yearly basis. Simple. Potent. Proven. Developed in ancient India thousands of years ago, Ayurveda is a powerful system of personalized health care, offering a whole-person approach to wellness that incorporates mind, body, and spirit that’s specific and unique to the person.
A LOVED HEART: Open Your Heart to Receive More Love
Exclusive Virtual Workshop with
NY Times Best-Selling Author of Calling in The One and Conscious Uncoupling,
Katherine Woodward Thomas
When I thought of who could take us deep into the realms of the heart to heal the places that block the love and support we each need (yes we all need healthy love to fuel our courage and feel safe), I knew we had to invite Katherine Woodward Thomas to our 40-Day Practice. She’s spent decades working with people and her systems are potent and practical.
A WISE HEART: Using Heart Intelligence to Illuminate the Path Forward into Possibilities Your Brain Can’t See
Interactive Visioning Experience with
Shiloh Sophia McCloud, founder of Intentional Creativity
Scientists have finally proven what spiritual sages have known for years – your heart has access to a ‘field’ of intelligence and information that surpasses what your brain knows. When you know how to access this intelligence and work with it to inform your choices and your work, you gain’ super power’ to create realities outside of the limitations of your past experiences. So I’ve invited one of my soul sisters who rocks at using the power of intentional creativity + quantum physics to tap into your heart’s intelligence to illuminate what it’s guiding you towards on the path ahead for 2016 and beyond.
A SUPPORTED HEART: Cultivating a Strong Web of Sisterhood that Supports You to Thrive
An Intimate + Illuminating Conversation with
Shasta Nelson, Female Relationship Expert (and real life soul sister of mine!)
We need strong connections and circles with other daring women who can stand with us in our strength and our weakness... CHEER us on when we are rockin’ it and shower us with COMPASSION when we are struggling… AND REFLECT to us our truth and REMIND us of who we are when doubt, fear and confusion set it. So I invited a woman who is part of my web of sisterhood and who also happens to be one of leading experts on female relationships to show us how to grow a tribe of sisterhood, determine who has sisterhood potential, and break through fear that keeps you trapped in isolation, loneliness or doing it all on your own, to unleash your heart to create the bonds that support you to soar.
LOVE BOOSTS: From my heart to yours…
for those days you need a Love Boost
To turn fear into faith, loneliness into love, criticism into compassion or doubt into courage A Set of Love Boost Cards
Like fear busting, faith lifting, courage conjuring medicine for your heart and soul when you need that extra hand, I’ll be there. I’ve never shared these cards in this way before - so you’ll be receiving the first ever printed set!
I’m Ready to Enroll + Unleash My Feminine Heart
We start October 15th.
What Participants Say About the Power of Taking a 40-Day Super Power Practice with Christine
The Structure Was Great!
I loved the weekly sessions, connecting with other women and listening to the wisdom. I took away that focusing on ME is not selfish, and I need to go within before I can take care of others in my life.
I could listen in from Australia & play it over & over
reinforcingthe messages, making it accessible, encouraging & fun!
I loved the reminders so I could stay focused on myself. The daily emails kept me on track everyday, I loved receiving them! Christine’s heart-centered approach was felt across the world.
My life feels much more focused and in control then before the practice.
I can't thank Christine enough.
Christine is a wise, smart, and vibrant teacher who really cares about the people she works with. Great sense of humor. Willing to share personal history. She really knows what she's talking about.
About Christine Arylo - always good to know more about your guide for any adventure!
If I gave you a title it would be transformational teacher, women’s leadership advisor and mentor, internationally recognized speaker and three-time best selling author who has gained some solid mastery (after lots of self practice!) at helping people transform and architect sustainable and supportive lives in which all part of themselves – professional, personal, physical and spiritual – thrive.
A kind of “modern day mystic” with an MBA, I spent the first 10 years of my career marketing big brands for companies like the Gap, Visa and PepsiCo, and the last decade, teaching others how to apply powerful ancient wisdom to their modern fast-paced, overwhelming lives. For more than a decade I’ve been a catalyst, mentor, and leadership advisor for executives, entrepreneurs, visionary leaders and spiritual seekers around the world, guiding them to lead their lives, work, teams and families from their center of their authentic feminine presence.
Over 35,000 people have participated in and benefited from the transformational programs, workshops & spiritual retreats I’ve offered both virtually and in person around the world (for which I am so grateful). I can give you the list of places I’ve appeared - CBS, NBC & FOX and on stages like TedX, and blogs regularly for the Huffington Post. But more importantly, I’ve trained extensively with master spiritual teachers in many traditions including the divine feminine, earth wisdom, metaphysics and ancient yogic teachings. And I took a big soul stretch to become a certified yoga and meditation teacher specializing in cultivating Vitality and releasing Stress.
Because I LOVE being in circle with powerful daring women talking about the stuff that really matters, I regularly hosts full moon salons, podcasts, one-day retreats, and pilgrimages as a way to illuminate new elevated and expanded ways of living. If you are not subscribed yet, you can tune into my weekly podcast, Feminine Power Time at
And the love of my heart, my deep heart mission is to create a world in which ALL beings have access to the medicine, teachings and practice of self-love. Self Love I believe is the foundation of everything - and few understand it or know how to practice, assess and teach it. I’ve founded a self love virtual school + an international self love movement that has brought more self love awareness and education to children, women and men in 41 countries around the world, across a wide spectrum of communities from sororities to prison systems to girl’s non profits to inner city schools to virtual concerts broadcast globally on Self Love Day, Feb 13th. Talk about a soul stretch!!
Personally, I just completed a 3-year soul stretch which looked like living and working from around the world with my soul partner Noah, a dream they co-created together. I am now rooted and residing in Valley of the Moon, Northern California Wine Country. You can learn more about Christine and her work at
Join me and women around the world to deny fear its way… and together step more powerfully, boldly, beautifully forward into the soul stretch leading us each forward into our fully expressed feminine power and presence
It’s in times like this you can either cling or you can soar. You can be a pioneer who inspires greatness or a people pleaser and follower who safeguards the status quo. This is a time of great possibility … but you can’t do it alone and you can’t do it with the tools that have gotten you this far. I hope to travel with you for 40-days - who knows what is possible!
I’m Ready - Include me in the Circle to
Unleash My Feminine Heart
We start October 15th.
when women gather with intention, shift happens.
together, we have the power to create anything.
Questions? Reach out to us at
See you in circle - October 15th we fly.
Contact Us
We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.
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