Read More From the People Who Have Worked With Christine

As Their Elevated Leadership Advisor, Coach & Mentor

As Their Elevated Leadership Advisor, Coach & Mentor

“The impact of our work together was extraordinary in my development as an executive and leader. With Christine’s guidance, I was able to get a clear vision for what I wanted to contribute in my role and then make that real for my team and the mission of our organization. Christine’s skill at listening and understanding the complex dynamics within an organization, coupled with her unique style of leadership mentoring brought me to a place where I am finally living and leading in a way that aligns for me.”
— Cheryl Shartle, VP of Human Resources & People Strategy
“Christine is an amazing mentor and powerful teacher, who gives her clients concrete tools and practical wisdom, totally customized to their needs. She helped me make profound and lasting changes that have allowed me to do the deep healing work I do in the world without falling into compassion fatigue or burnout. On top of that, I’m able to say that I am truly HAPPY in my life – exactly as it is right now! Her wisdom spans many different teachings and traditions that she is able to weave together seamlessly to most support her clients. I am forever grateful to have found her.”
— Courtney Muir, Marriage and Family Therapist / Self-Care Coach
“Christine goes beyond teaching leadership skills, and invites each person to find their own source of wisdom and understanding of what it means to be a centered leader and collaborator in ever-changing times. This includes not only the workplace, but also home, family and community. Working with Christine has allowed me to bring wisdom to the workplace, through consulting as well as mentoring of startup founders. By gaining clarity around my vision and purpose, I am more present with the people I support and guide. Christine is a supportive coach and inspirational speaker for those who desire more connection in the workplace, and in their lives.”
— Claudine Woo, Phd, Scientist, Storyteller, Start Up Advisor
I always knew that my life and work didn’t fit into traditional molds. I built my own business but felt there was something more I wanted to achieve – but I didn’t want to continue striving and struggling. Christine helped me explore a new way of being that has revealed who I truly am, what I desire, what possibilities are in front of me and how to embrace my sacred work. She has shown me how to recognize, celebrate and use my gifts so that I can make the difference I want to make in the world. As a direct result of working with Christine, I am shapeshifting my business so it can become more satisfying and profitable. I am cultivating the support I need to spark new collaborations. And I have the tools and structures she teaches so I can listen to my intuition, deepen creativity, allow for rest, reflow work as needed and honor my path.”
— Jen Lewy, Healthcare Communications Consultant & Writer, Fiction Author
I was crushed by the burden… and then I met Christine. I wanted more for my life and career, but I felt stuck. With Christine’s help, I have a new perspective, new possibilities, new career – a whole new me. From my first conversation with Christine I could feel a shift. I started to realize the extent to which I took on way too much. I learned to trust myself, receive rather than always give, and channel my energy towards the most important thing to me, without guilt. It is amazing to learn how much can be accomplished when one gets out of their own way. Thank you!”
— Laurie Jacobsen Jones, VP of Development, Oracle, Founder of Innovation Academy Charter School

In Professional & Personal Development Programs, and Elevate Leadership Councils

In Professional & Personal Development Programs, and Elevate Leadership Councils

“Christine Arylo does a magnificent job of cutting through the chaos of one’s world to find a pathway to a more focused, meaningful life. She does this through tangible, effective methods, but also leaves space for you to find what works best versus following a script. She can do this because she’s given herself this freedom to explore. She researched methods from many different perspectives, has found what brings the most meaning to her life, and is generous enough to share these insights with the world. Whether you are starting out or looking for upping your game, Christine will enrich your journey.”
— Jennifer Peavey, Principal at Black Labs
“Christine can see clearly how we get to solutions that make us whole and sustainable, instead of living in the chaos of current structures. Through skillful inquiry, presence, and experience, she supports people in all phases of evolution. Christine is an authentically wise and compassionate teacher and guide.”
— Laura Berland, Director of the Center for Compassionate Leadership
“I thought if I could just do more and achieve the next thing, then I would be happy. I was addicted to being busy. I believed that if I wasn’t the one doing everything for my clients, my family, or my friends, I was a loser. I was tired, tortured, and lost. Christine gave me the courage and the confidence to turn my back on a high paying, but soul killing career. She challenged me to not raise my hand and volunteer to do every job, and you know what? If you don’t raise your hand, someone else will. And you aren’t any less of a person for it.”
— Krystin Kim, Entrepreneur and mother of two
“Christine has a gift for creating powerful experiences that catalyze and transform your life, and create deeper, lasting connections with yourself and other conscious people. I’ve been to multiple retreats with Christine – both virtual and in-person – and have been be part of her leadership councils for several years. I’ve never felt so embraced, well-cared for, and provided with so much wisdom (and I have experienced many retreats and programs over the years.) She creates experiences in virtual settings like nothing I’ve ever experienced elsewhere. I’ve made life-long friendships. My life has become so much richer a result of Christine’s fierce grace, wisdom, and heart.”
— Dina Tibbs
“Christine has a way of connecting people with her methods and cultivating a supportive community that makes the hard work of rethinking our patterns of behavior and practicing new habits fun and “sticky.” I’ve had the joy and honor of partnering with Christine on two group programs, one related to her book Overwhelmed and Over It, and the other on a Power Pause series. I am personally grateful for the wisdom that I’ve gained through our partnership and participating in this work. Plus, I have been witness to the impact that her teaching and insights have had on others, such that her material and workshops are on my recommended list for people who are interested in true change.”
— Janet Andrews, Executive & Team Coach, Ellevate Women’s Network Chapter President

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