The feminine model is one of collaboration and connection, not competition. Like a web, where each one of us does our part that allows us to move and create from our zone of genius and zone of joy.
I am so grateful to have the most spectacular web of beings who bring their genius to help amplify and beautify my great work by sharing their great work and gifts with me and you.
Meet my team & reach out if they can help you
sarah mardell
manager of Christine’s universe / Rock Star assistant
joy zone: I love knowing I’ve made a difference in someone’s life. Specifically, supporting and guiding women to realize that their desires and needs are of great value, and to embrace who they are with love.
genius zone: I am really great at keeping things together. I’ve always had a gift of “making things happen”. I most enjoy supporting women coaching groups and retreats, especially Christine’s.
growing zone: I am stretching my wings by allowing and creating more space for myself this year. I seem to carry a “to do” list with me wherever I go. This year is about believing things CAN be EASY, and giving myself more time to discover my creative side.
talk to me about: I’m the person you want to talk to if you need to contact Christine for interview requests, coaching programs, or a request that you don’t know who else to reach out to. I also support Christine, along with Melissa, in managing retreats throughout the year.
Contact me at
noah martin
soul partner & business manager
joy zone: I love living and working around the world with Christine. Ever since I met Christine 13 years ago, life has been an adventure! I love that we are really free to do what we want, when we want, and that we’ve had the courage to create these lives for ourselves. In my personal work, I love seeing people in relationship work and act from love and true partnership.
genius zone: I am great at helping people make great decisions that supports what really matters to them. I spent the first 10 years of my career assessing risk for big companies, the last 20 years of my life deepening my spiritual skills – today I love using the mystical and the practical together, for our business and for the people I counsel.
growing zone: I am stretching my wings right now by expanding the people I support, after helping us build two successful businesses that only do good in the world, I am now helping other couples do the same.
talk to me about: I am the person to talk if you are a couple who wants guidance in making the best decisions for your life and/or your business.
Contact me at
stacey hoffer
community spark & online community manager for
the love club & our love ambassadors
joy zone: I love to build online tribes full of amazing people, virtual circles that have the power to create personal and social change. i love creating communities where everyone prospers and receive more as a result of coming together.
genius zone: I am great at holding the space for and building the structure of online communities. Like flying a kite, I excel at making sure we stay connected to the vision in the air, and also that all the linear implementation actions steps happen on the ground.
growing zone: I am stretching my wings right now by moving to a new city, hatching a woman’s circle, and being my free spirited Stacy self wherever I go.
talk to me about: I am the person to talk to if you want to join The Love Club or become a Love Ambassador. I am also the person to talk to if you like what we’ve done and want to grow your online tribe and build online communities of your own.
Contact me at
super star for all things on team love’s websites
joy zone: I love to meditate, be in nature, travel, and teach folks meditation practices to connect with their essence nature.
genius zone: I am great at following my heart and living life to the fullest.
growing zone: I am stretching my wings by writing what ever flows through.
talk to me about: I’m the person you want to talk to if you would like to share your gifts with the world through the internet. I build amazing websites that allow you to shine your light as fully as possible.
Contact me at