When Women Lead – Chicago: In-Person One Day Retreat March 7th for International Women’s Day

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When Women Lead: An International Women’s Day Gathering in Chicago: Reimagining the Way WE and the World Work

Learn More and Book Your Spot Herehttps://www.altarcommunity.com/event-details/when-women-lead

When: Friday March 7th – 9:30 am to 5pm
Where: Altar Community – Chicago, IL
Hosts: Christine Arylo, Gina Marotta and Amy Galvin


A little about the event …

How do I effect positive change and stay centered and sustained in these chaotic times?

Join us for an International Women’s Day gathering where we will explore going beyond traditional leadership models and embrace our unique feminine leadership capabilities to co-create new paths forward for ourselves and the realms we influence.

You can attend the morning workshop (9:30 am – 12 noon), the afternoon deep dive session (2:00 – 5:00 pm), or stay for both! Come solo, with a friend, or attend with your team!

International Women’s Day focuses on the power we hold as women collectively. We will celebrate the great progress women have made and also cultivate together the new strategies and tools for the journey that still lies ahead.

At this gathering, we will be REIMAGINING – taking space to dream about and claim how we each play our unique parts in these times calling for the rise of feminine leadership in new ways.

Your event experience includes:

  • Being in community with other conscious women to illuminate what is possible and remember our power to create the world we choose to live in.

  • Focusing on practices rooted in timeless wisdom that have the power to sustain our inner radiance and keep us centered in the year to come.

  • Granting ourselves permission and learning practical tools to lead from our feminine strengths such as intuition, compassion, and collaboration. 

Results you can expect:

  • Increased access to your inner wisdom & power

  • Clarity on your part in these changing times

  • Tools for staying sustained, centered & focused on what matters this year

  • Mentorship & community with other women leaders

Ultimately, as we all embody working and leading with our feminine power, we restore our abilities to live and work in ways where we remain centered, calm, clear, radiant, rooted, resilient, and in right relationship. Then through our voices, choices and presence, we lead the way to a better way in which all people and the planet can prosper.

Programming structure: This event is a two-part experience – where you can attend one or both parts – allowing you to choose what best fits your schedule

Go to the full event description and registration page here: https://www.altarcommunity.com/event-details/when-women-lead

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Feminine Wisdom Way Co-Creative Leadership Collective