Courageous Feminine Leadership: How the Feminine Embodies Courage
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo:
Courageous Feminine Leadership: How the Feminine Embodies Courage
Courage – where does it come from?
How do you cultivate it so that you have the inner strength and clarity
to meet the challenges and catalysts in your life?
So you can expand vs contract?
So you make grounded choices that are also guided by divine grace?
Courage in the feminine is not false bravado, it’s not without fear, and it does not come from the mind.
Courage comes from the heart, it requires us to feel.
It requires us to step forth out of our comfort zones.
And courageous feminine leadership cannot be sourced through the mind.
Without the heart, we cannot access the full power of our spirits or souls.
When we cultivate courage consciously as part of our daily practice, we gain the ‘super power’ to say NO to what limits us, say YES to what supports and expands us.
When we are in deep relationship with our hearts, when we feel CONNECTED, we gain the power to step forward, even if it scares us and is different than what everyone else is doing or what conventional wisdom says.
Tune into this Feminine Power Time – Courageous Feminine Leadership – with Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, for a soul provoking, heart invoking, and practical revealing and teaching on Courage through the feminine lens, including:
- What courage is, how courage has been distorted in our culture blocking our access to it – you will LOVE this
- What feminine wisdom has to say about courageous feminine leadership and the truth about where courage stems from (so you can access it)
- 3 sources of courage that you can tap into to strengthen your ability to listen, trust and act – even when it pulls you out of your comfort zone
- Simple but mighty daily practices for cultivating courage – so you have the courage when you need it
- Make it personal and practical – Christine will help you illuminate where you are being stretched and called forth and then use the teachings to support you to expand vs contract
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If you are going through a transition, standing at a threshold, being called forth to change, expand and open … tune into this Feminine Power Time. And stay til the end when Christine shares a special passage from mystic John O’Donohue, Thresholds.
To learn more about John O’Donohue – mystic who is not here in body but so here in spirit and heart – here is a link to his personal site.
Join me for the Burnout to Balance 40-Day Practice
And create a more sustainable reality to your life – Starts April 15th
Feminine Wisdom Weekend: East Coast Kripalu –
Mid Year Power Pause Pause July 27-29
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