Welcome to our Super Power Reflection Ritual to complete 2018 feeling Powerful, Proud & Peaceful, so you can enter the new year feeling Clear, Confident & Wise.
Enclosed you’ll find access to the Year-End Reflection Ritual Videos + a Guidebook with illustrations and inquiries so you can REMEMBER. CELEBRATE. RELEASE. and EXPAND. Complete your own 2018 Reflection Ritual between now and December 29th, the half moon waning… so you can be clear and ready for receiving Divine guidance and messages from your heart about where to focus your life force and resources in 2019.
Enclosed on this page you’ll find:
- Invitation to The Feminine Wisdom Way – Live, Lead, Succeed the Feminine Way
- Year-End Reflection Videos – Christine walks you through the Power Pause Ritual
- Power Pause & Reflection Guidebook – full-color PDF to help you visually ‘see’ your own Reflection Ritual. Download the Guidebook to use while you watch the videos
- Step by Step Guide to do the Ritual with a spouse/partner/beloved – Christine and her Partner Noah share the process they do together each year.
- Prepare your physical space for your Ritual. Gather your materials. Make an Altar.
The Feminine Wisdom Way
If you’re feeling called to deepen your connection to the natural rhythms and cycles of the moon and the earth. If you’d like to live more in the ‘feminine flow’ yet still show up powerfully in your life, feeling connected to your body, health, sacred work, relationships and wealth, we invite you to learn more about The Feminine Wisdom Way.

2018 Power Pause & Reflection Ritual with Christine Arylo
The videos below will walk you through the full Power Pause & Reflection Ritual with Christine. On the day of the live webcast, December 20th, Christine’s town of Bainbridge Island experienced strong winds and a power/internet outage. Not so good when you plan to stream live online from your home, but as we know, mama nature is the force that be :-). So… Christine was able to stream live from her phone (not great video) but we saved the audio for those who want to listen to the live version. Click here to access audio recording from LIVE Reflection Ritual.
Watch this first: Getting Started + Introduction
Watch the video or download the audio only here.
Step One: Remember & Reflect on 2018
Watch the video or download the audio only here.
Step Two: Celebrate all you have done and become
Watch the video or download the audio only here.
Step Three: Release Self-Criticism. Install Self-Compassion.
Watch the video or download the audio only here.
Step Four: Complete the year wise & clear
Watch the video or download the audio only here.
2018 Reflection Ritual Guidebook
We invite you to download and print this guidebook in advance, so you can use it to walk you through the Reflection Ritual step by step. This is a wonderful way to visually SEE what you’ve done and become, using this guidebook as golden wisdom for the year ahead.
*Note: For Feminine Wisdom Way Students, you can use your Emerge Visioning Book, starting on page 16 – 29
I’m thrilled to be able to share this year’s guidebook with you – it’s new and improved, including templates and graphics from Katherine Torrini, our creative catalyst and sacred scribe in The Feminine Wisdom Way circle. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Invite your Partner to join you
Couples who Pause & Reflect Together, Thrive Together.

Christine & Noah are leading a Couples Visioning Retreat in 2019
Request your Invitation:
Create Sacred Space: Inspired Actions
Set aside time in advance to be clear from distractions. Claim some quiet space wherever you’ll be, away from other people who are not participating (or invite them to join you :). Be sure that wherever you’ll be that you have a calm atmosphere to be present during this time for YOURSELF. This means turning off all tech devices (except your computer of course), but please refrain from email, phone and anything else that could interfere with you giving yourself your full and undivided attention. One of my favorite things to do for all ritual, is to create beauty and sacred space by making a super powered altar.
Creating a Sacred Solstice Altar. To set the tone and draw upon the special energy you can tap into at Solstice, make an altar representing what this year has meant for you.
Here’s some ideas:
- Objects, pictures, etc. that reflect help you remember what has occurred for you this year that you want to celebrate and also what you choose to RELEASE this year before stepping into 2018.
- This past year’s journal or vision board or vision altar, so you can reflect on what has occurred.
- Candles – white candles are great to signify the returning to the light from the darkest days, plus the embracing of what’s coming and the releasing of what has been.
- Paper or a journal, along with special pens or markers to keep record of what your heart and soul want to express. We recommend plain white paper, rather than lined, so that you have freedom to write AND draw, using your full expression.
- Vino, Pellegrino or tea and Chocolate!
- A favorite blanket or scarf, fluffy pillow or something you LOVE that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Here’s a little SUPER POWER for your Reflection Ritual too…. a Feminine Wisdom Poster for illustrating our Super Power Pause. This was created during our reflection ritual by our ‘Sacred Scribe’ for Feminine Super Power Year, Kathrine Torrini. May it and the intentions below inspire you to create sacred space for yourself to reflect, dream, receive, vision and intend.
You can download + print this poster here. It’s fun to hang in your office or somewhere that can remind you to pause and reflect!