POWER PAUSE: Creating Sacred Space + Equinox Meditation

 In Cyclical Living, Feminine Super Powers, Meditations & Rituals, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Releasing Stress, Spiritual Practices, Spirituality

POWER PAUSE: Creating Sacred Space + Equinox Meditation

In intense times, we need “sacred space” to tap into our own inner wisdom more than ever… or else we run the risk of getting swept into the swirl of the world.

But what is sacred space?

How do you create it?

What does it give us?

And how can you make it part of the rhythm of your life without needing to find more time?

And what exactly is a power pause? And why should I care about Fall Equinox ?

Taped here at the Fall Equinox – a super power time of the year for taking a power pause – sacred space to rebalance and reharmonize and reset your focus for the second half of the year, join Christine Arylo for this Feminine Power Time episode and:

Christine Arylo Feminine Power Time Podcast


  • Get the wisdom byte on what sacred space actually is and why it has such super power (different from making time)
  • Learn about the four most powerful times of the year to take sacred space
  • Tap into how to use the Sept Equinox and the end of October for illuminating the path ahead in your work, life, relationships, health
  • Receive a mini power pause meditation with Christine including the 3 wisdom inquiries to ask yourself now at Fall Equinox so you can focus your energy, time and resources on what matters most the rest of the year
  • Why wise women and men vision in late Oct /early November not in January   

I send you these Feminine Power Times on Sunday’s via Wisdom Letter (email) so that you can tune in and connect into your own personal power to make shift happen and be that courageous compassionate leader you are – in your family, work. community, life – and to that very real “Divine Downline” – the source of wisdom and grace that is always here to guide you if you slow down to listen.

If you would like to receive the Feminine Power Time before the weekend, I send it to my subscribers via Itunes and Stitcher on Thursday evenings (Thursdays are my Divine Date nights so in case you wanted to make that a practice too, you can …. or just listen in Fri or Sat). To subscribe on Itunes go hereto subscribe on Stitcher, go here.

The Wisdom Inquiries for Fall Equinox Power Pause that I shared in Feminine Power Time are:

1. What am I REALLY proud of that I caused or created this year? Something I have done, completed or how I’ve shown up this year. Choose at least one from each of our three moonifesting areas – your sacred work, your relationships and your physical foundation.

2. What is incoherent or out of harmony right now – illuminate the imbalances in your sacred work, relationships and physical foundation?

3. What would you LOVE to give your life force to this next phase of the year, between now and Winter Solstice? What would you LOVE to harvest in your work, relationships, and physical health / wealth / home?

To learn about Christine’s yearly Women’s Wisdom Quest –
this year in the Santa Cruz Mountains Oct 29-Nov 4th
go to www.FeminineWisdomRetreat.com

Womens Wisdom

* Getting Clear on Your Path and Part – Women’s Wisdom Quest – October 2017 – at the end of every Oct start of Nov, I lead a 4-day Women’s Wisdom Quest – sacred space in sisterhood to help you tap into your deeper intuitve knowing to illuminate the path ahead, and create a path and feminine powered plan for creating what’s next for your sacred work, relationships, life, health and wealth. This year it is being held in the Santa Cruz Mountains…


To learn more about leading or creating powerful circles and programs that use the wisdom of the art of sacred circle, including The Art of Sacred Circle training that starts Oct 26th

Go to www.ArtofSacredCircle.com

Art of Sacred Circle

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