Focus Your Creative Feminine Super Power … stop trying to do it all, focus on what matters most
There are 8 super power days during the year that mark ‘turning points’ for the energy of the planet. I call them Feminine Super Power Days.
This video is like a powerful date with your soul to support you to tap into your inner truth, your divine destiny and make sure how you are spending your precious life force and resources of time, energy and money are going to what is truly in alignment for you … what will bring you the success, happiness and well being that you often work way too hard for!
These Feminine Super Power times offer special divine energy and powerful physical energy are to support you to get insight and gain clarity so you can live in the flow, receive abundance and navigate your life with more grace and ease.
In conventional circles, the one we are tapping into now on this weekend of May 1st, is called “May Day” and people dance around poles, and celebrate the coming of summer. For many more centuries, in wise woman circles, this time has been known as “Beltane” and it offers you a ton of creative fire power and focus to fuel the things (projects, relationships, dreams, desires) that matter most to you.
Specifically Beltane is a time to …
- Stoke your creative fire power and get CLARITY on where to focus your life force — energy time, money, love, etc. — over the next few months.. and then…
- CHOOSE what you will give this precious life force to through the summer, so that come fall, the time of the harvest, you receive the abundance – on all levels – YOU need to have a life that feels sustainable and successful, and makes you healthy and happy. This means choosing 3 -4 things to focus on … you can’t focus on more than four, which means you have to…
- RELEASE some things... imagine it like you have an amazing garden you are growing and you can only tend to four plants/trees, you can’t water, feed, take care of it all or the garden will suffer and it won’t bear the fruit you want and work so hard for… so once you get clear on what you will focus on, you need to release the rest to the hands of mother nature, the earth… you don’t have to pull these projects/relationships/desires/etc out of your garden, just put them on the outskirts… choose not to give them tons of energy and time, let them grow naturally… or let someone else take care of them. What will you release yourself from taking care of so you can have space to focus your creative power, and support yourself instead of exhaust yourself and your resources?
Make sure how you are spending your precious life force and resources of time, energy and money are going to what is truly in alignment for you #femininesuperpower (shareable)
Taking a super power pause on these “Feminine Super Power” days (there are 8 in total throughout the year), is something I started practicing over 7 years ago… and I know it’s one of the main reasons I have created a life with so much of what truly matters to me. Different from conventional wisdom, but absolutely aligned with my divine wisdom.
Watch the Divine Spark video … which includes a led meditation by me, and tap in and pause to ask yourself these questions
- What is calling for my creative fire power? (projects, relationships, desires, body, etc.)
- What are the 3-4 things I will give my life force to these next few months, with joy?
- And what will I release myself from taking care of or giving my energy to, giving it to the divine, for a later time, or for someone else to take care of?
You know as well as I do that most of us have too many things we are giving our life force to, so we end up depleted, frazzled and not as productive or having the impact we desire. This is NO way to live.
I know it can be SO hard to make the space for yourself to have these deeper dialogues. But if you are not devoted to yourself, the divine has a hard time getting through, and you keep struggling, working harder than you need, and missing all that is here for you to receive.
Stand with me in solidarity to VALUE TAKING SPACE as much as you do as getting things done. Taking sacred space will actually make you MORE productive, successful and happy.
Choose to override conventional wisdom, to live the truth of your inner wisdom.
For more feminine super powers, join me this summer at Kripalu – click here to see more.