Please Stop Stressing Yourself Out: How to Take The Pressure Off Yourself

 In Happiness, Releasing Stress, Self Love, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Wisdom Blog

Watch this video to find the ONE BIG GNARLY PRESSURE POINT you are holding on yourself, and then follow me through a process to release it.

Two days ago, sitting on a couch talking to one of my soul sisters, Christine Hassler, about this crazy pressure I was feeling even though I was sitting in one of the most serene beautiful places on earth 100 feet from the sea, I had a HUGE epiphany about what is causing you, me and every woman (and man) I know un-needed stress.

Stress that you literally have the ability to alleviate if you know where to look, how to find the pressure point causing you unnecessary pain, running that judgmental voice in your head who loves to push you and pressure you with words like…

“You should be doing more…”

“Why aren’t you…”

These two phrases alone I am sure are behind the wrinkles,the extra weight, the facts that 1 in 4 women will die of heart disease, twice as many women than men are on anti-depressants, or the reality that most of us feel overwhelmed and exhausted a lot of the time.

So in honor of the international day of women this month, I am saying ENOUGH to this I am not enough b.s. … I am saying NO to Not-Enoughness and declaring 2014 as the Year of ENOUGHNESS.

Wanna join me?

mantra self love enough

Declare here, right now that You are enough. That you’ve done enough. That you don’t have to pressure yourself to do more? That there are other, more self-loving ways, to motivate yourself?

Good! Now that we have that cleared up, What do you do???

Well you start by watching this week’s divine spark… I will run you through the short but mighty process I used to identify the big gnarly pressure point causing undue stress on me, and show you how to find your gnarly unnecessary pressure point and release it.

Then release the pressure point by 1. Saying how you are putting this pressure on yourself. 2. Telling the truth AND then 3. Take a stand for being and doing enough right now (in caps!)

Here I will go first.

I am putting pressure on myself to be out in the world speaking right now. The truth is that I am exactly where I need to be, writing at the sea and talking to people through the internet and phone right now. I AM DOING ENOUGH RIGHT NOW. I AM ENOUGH.

Okay your turn…

I am putting pressure on myself to…
The truth is…

And remember, if you want more support on sticking to this, and you still haven’t joined The Love Club, you can still join for the entire year at the special year rate but only through the end of March. xoxox

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