There is working with a coach, and then there is choosing to engage with a transformational catalyst – like Christine Arylo who partners with you to create a personalized, potent, expansive experience that has the power to fuel and focus the changes you desire in your life – career, relationships, self-expression, and personal wellness.
As you harmonize with your core truth, path and presence on the inside, your external realities align & transform.

The women I work with have one thing in common – something more or different is calling them. They know they cannot get to where they want to go on their own, and they are wise enough to know they need support.
I am the person people come to when they are ready and willing to step into leadership in their lives, do the inner exploration and expansion… And then from there, rise to new levels of expression and reality in their work, relationships and self they could imagine but not manifest.
Or Keep Reading To Learn More
Step One: Read what’s here & feel into it. Could this be a fit for the support, guidance and shift you are seeking?
Step Two: If it feels like a YES or MAYBE, complete the short application/questionnaire, which will help you get clear on what you’re looking for & help us determine if we are a good match.
Step Three: Let’s talk. Once we receive your application, a member of my team will reach out and if it seems like we could be a good fit, we will set up a time to connect & talk.
The women who benefit most from transformational mentorship with Christine…

The women who benefit most from transformational mentorship with Christine…
- Ready to make shifts in your life – work, relationships, expression, health, wealth – from the inside out – you are looking for transformation not just more information or quick tips.
- Experiencing success in some parts of your life but in others struggle or settle – you are at a point now where you don’t want to sacrifice any part of your life, health, or self anymore.
- Awakening to parts of yourself that are calling you to do things differently – you are noticing there is more to you than what you’ve been taught or thought, and you cannot keep doing things the same way
- Redefining what success means to you – you desire financial and professional success but not at the cost of your happiness, relationships and health. You know the mainstream models for success don’t really lead to fulfillment, yet you are not sure how to achieve your goals and design a life that nourishes your heart, body and soul.
Have a desire to:
- Make a meaningful difference and impact in the world – you know you have a voice, purpose and passion to express and give that is not currently manifesting in your work, life, relationships or self-expression.
- Go deeper within to know and unleash your full self, now at this phase in your life – your mind has gotten you as far as it can go, and something within you knows you have to go within into your heart, spirit and soul to create what’s next.
- Take all the experience and wisdom you’ve gained in your career and life and integrate it into the next evolution of your work and life design – you don’t need to start over, but you could use some guidance on how to marry all this together to create the next.
- Increase your intuitive connection and your access to wisdom beyond what you’ve learned in your traditional training and career – you are open, perhaps even excited, to open up and practice spiritual wisdom in your day-to-day life and in how you create the realities you desire both personally and professionally.
- Create new rhythms and patterns that create a more sustainable, supportive & successful lifestyle, where all parts of you are nourished and flourish – you are tired of the overwhelm, burnout and self-sacrifice cycles! And trying to maintain work/life balance isn’t working (there’s a good reason why!)
Are open to:
- Exploring the “feminine” ways of living, working and leading, in the flow – so you don’t have to push, effort, control, try so hard, or feel like it’s all on your shoulders.
- Strengthening yourself physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually to meet the challenges and embrace the opportunities – so you have the practices to create an inner resilience, radiance, clarity, confidence and harmony.
- Exploring all realms of your live and self – so you create a WHOLE life that works in harmony and a STRONG INNER FOUNDATION that is the base from which everything else in your life grows.
- Revealing and liberating yourself from the societal imprints of power, success and working that were never created with a woman’s best interest – you cannot change what you cannot see. But when you see it, you become empowered to do things differently.
- Being honest with yourself, taking a stand for yourself and empowering yourself to make the transformations and transitions you seek from the inside out – so the transformation sticks and you RISE.

How Does It work?
Press play on the video below, where Christine will share more:
Every mentorship is designed as a personal incubator, accelerator, clarifier, transformer, and catalyzer, specific to you, designed to ‘hold’ and guide you as you walk through this threshold and transformation.
- We start with an Activation Session followed by a Harmonize to Rise retreat (in person or virtual) to set a strong foundation and focus – where we dive deep into your intentions, goals, deeper desires, and what’s needed and desired to create the new while staying sustained in the now.
- We create a path – an inspired ‘plan’ – that works on all realms – professional and personal, mind/body/spirit/heart, and the 8 realms of a harmonized life – that will guide and keep you focused along the way.
- We work the path, your life becomes the laboratory – work, relationships, health, wealth, creative expression, it’s all here to support you to work through this threshold.
- We go deep to release what needs to be let go so you can rise.
- We expand beyond the limitations of your mind to unleash your heart and soul to create what’s next
- We get you aligned on the inside – connected to your heart, body, and spirit – so what you rise into is in harmony with what you actually desire to create.
- We design the practices and flows that will get and keep you out of overwhelm, self sacrifice and burnout – and keep you working in a harmonious flow, where you both give and receive what you need.
- We work with the best tools, processes and techniques it’s taken me over 25 years to amass and combine – from the MBA Corporate-trained Social Impact Entrepreneur in me, to the deeply trained mystic and wisdom teacher in me. You get the benefit of this unique and rare combination.
- You complete aligned on the inside, deeply connected to yourself and your intuitive knowing – clear on your purpose, embodied in your authentic presence, free of the patterns that lead to burnout and self-sacrifice, empowered to do things differently and make choices aligned with your truth and what truly matters to you.
Ready to Rise. You create from a strong foundation, rooted in your truth, path and purpose.
Time, Energetic & Financial Investment & Exchange
Depending on how we design your mentorship will determine the exchange.
I see this as an investment and exchange of time, energy and money
that will provide returns you will receive from for a lifetime.
Range from $3900 – $6500
for 3-5 month experience
(NOTE: We can structure this with a deposit + monthly payments,
so while this is an investment in you, it’s also doable for you)
Given the current reality for traveling, note that the entire experience can be designed without you needing to travel. One of my super powers is creating fields of transformation working with technology and us working each in our physical locations. I’m finding working with women where they live is helping them root more deeply into themselves, a more sustainable flow, and their path.
I work with women all over the world.
I asked some of the people I’ve mentored to share their experience with you – here’s what they told me to tell you:
Christine fearlessly guided me to go beyond what I thought was possible to expand my vision of my self and purpose.
This process is not for the faint of heart, or for those who just want to paint inside the lines. She’s like a personal trainer for catalyzing spiritual discovery, expansion, and manifestation in people who are ready to accept that possibility and make it real. Christine has guided me to come into my own as a feminine leader and has given me practical tools to create my life from a place of wisdom, grounded intuition and passionate activism.
– Karin Bauer, MBA, Ph.D.c Angel Investor and Advisor
When I met Christine, I was torn between the life I knew, and the one I knew was possible, but had no idea how to create on my own.
Christine has an uncanny ability to know what was needed during the times when I would resist making the change I wanted to make. Her ability to understand during those critical moments is what helped me make the shift I needed. She provided the right combination of wisdom, kindness and catalytic energy to help me emerge with the life I truly desired.
– Claudine Woo, Startup Advisor, Storyteller, Scientist
The way Christine uses her intuition, spiritual connection, practical guidance, and presence is inspiring and amazing.
I can always count on her to ZOOM right into the real deeper issue of what’s holding me back or see and reflect back the light and vision in me that I can’t put words on yet. She always holds me and sees me in my greatest potential, which reminds me of WHO I REALLY AM. Christine has taught me about the value and power of the feminine side of leadership and life. I honestly had no idea when I first started working with her that I had repressed that part of me so deeply. Working in corporate America for so long, moving up the ranks and then starting my own business, I only knew one way of succeeding. Now that I have cultivated the feminine side of leading, I work differently, I coach differently and leading is easier and so much more impactful.
– Jen Todd, CEO, Breakthrough Partners Inc. & Founder/Executive Director of the Women of Pokot & Value Girls Globally
Christine is and will always be one of the mentors who rocked my world so that I can rock the world too.
If you are seeking real change that is all encompassing, then Christine is for you. This is not compartmentalized mentoring. This touches all parts of you. Through Christine, I received practices that changed how I work, plan, engage and show up. She guided me to see my wisdom and special gifts to give to the world.
– AmyJo Mattheis, Executive Director and Leader for Non Profits
I had been in the corporate world for so long that a lot of my thinking around success and leadership pulled from the “do more model” which led me to over-work and burn out. Christine taught me about the power and strength that comes from living in alignment and flow.
She helped me see feminine leadership in a new light, and see that the strong female leaders I admired had qualities that I also possess. If you want to grow, open your mind, deepen your spiritual connection, quiet the inner critic inside of you and live the wildly authentic life you were meant to live – then Christine is a powerful mentor.
– Gretchen Bladek, Technology Manager, Google, former Deloitte Consultant
I can’t believe how much my life has changed in the short amount of time I spent with Christine. I learned how to move from a place of always rescuing & helping others and instead learn how to hold space for them while honoring my commitment to myself to never settle for less than my heart and soul desires. Christine taught me how to tap into my inner wisdom and open my heart which allowed me to love myself more and to let others in. As a result, I am now in a very loving relationship and have a wonderful circle of friends. Working with Christine also gave me the courage to leave my successful job in the corporate world and pursue my passion of starting my own business.
– Stacey Manes, VP of HR and Recruiting
For the people I choose to work with 1:1, I bring all of me, the full spectrum of my experience and wisdom as a transformational mentor & coach, feminine wisdom and leadership teacher, M.B.A., former corporate executive and marketing strategy consultant, social impact entrepreneur, best-selling published author, conscious business creator, international speaker, happily married woman in sacred partnership, certified yogini specializing in Vitality & Stress and Mind & Meditation.
It’s not every day you find all these rolled into one!
I’ll share with you I’ve learned from all my walks of life – so you can transform yours faster and with more grace.
What’s most important for you to know is that I work with people as a transformational catalyst, and feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher because I’ve done the work and taken the journey myself, and I’m still on it.
I’ve reinvented my self, elevated my reality, dove deep into some of the most powerful ancient wisdom, and I’ve put it all to use practically in how I live my life, run my business, serve the world, show up in my relationships, and show up for myself. And I’ve taught it to others who have prospered & flourished as a result.
I love holding transformational space for people. It’s one of my gifts. Now, I offer it to you.

I am clear about who I am here to work with & mentor.
If we are meant to work together, I know we will.
If we are meant to work together, I know we will.
The question for you is – are you ready to make a shift?
Open to going deeper within yourself?
Open to going deeper within yourself?
Willing to cross whatever threshold is calling you?
Even if you don’t know the path?
Even if you don’t know the path?
So you can RISE – to have the impact you desire +
create a sustainable reality in which you thrive?
create a sustainable reality in which you thrive?