Mid Year Power Pause Meditation – Focus Your Life Force On What Matters

 In Cyclical Living, Life choices, Meditations & Rituals, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Spiritual Practices


Meditation: A Power Pause at Mid-Year Solstice


Where will you choose to direct and spend your powerful and precious life force -energy, time, and care this second half of the year?

What really matters to you?

What could flourish – in your work, your relationships, your personal wellness and growth – if you just focused there?

What could drain you, your life force and resources?

What is it not time for even though you wish it were – this still needs to be gestated?

What would you LOVE to create space for this next half of the year?

Who do you want to BE and how do you desire to FEEL as you grow and live these next 6 months?  

These are the inquiries wisdom requires us to ask ourselves if we desire to stay focused on what really matters and direct our energy and resources in powerful focused ways instead of fragmenting our energy trying to too do much, the wrong things, or the wrong things at the wrong time.

But if you don’t slow down to hear the WISDOM – which operates on a slower pace – you often end up getting caught up in the swirl of the world, of whats most urgent vs what really matters, and you run the risk of ending the year depleted, distracted and not having accomplished what you truly care about.

Every June Solstice, I, Christine Arylo, women’s leadership advisor and transformational catalyst, take a “Power Pause” for myself and for years I have been leading others to take these power pauses as ways to strengthen their careers, businesses, health, wealth, relationships and happiness.

A power pause is an intentional space you take and create for yourself outside of your day to day routine. You press pause on everything ‘out there’ and tap into what is going on INSIDE of you. You tap into what is really going on for you at a heart and soul level. You gain an expanded view point, stepping out of the trees to see the forest. And you get out of the chatter of your mind, doubt, fear, over giving and busyiness to hear the guidance of Wisdom – a deeper level of knowing that if you can hear it will illuminate the path ahead.

This year I led a virtual retreat, a one day retreat in Valley of the Moon Wine Country, a 3-hour retreat for a tech companies Women Leadership team… what can I say I LOVE doing these power pauses because I believe not only are they essential to our own wellness and wellbeing – THIS is one of the big ways we get out of overwhelm and burnout – power pauses are also essential to our work in this world and to tending for who and what we care for. You can just keep pushing forward or you can take a power pause and get wiser about how to direct your life force and resources. That’s just smart.

I always do a short but mighty meditation at the four “Feminine Super Power Days” for my community – the subscribers here of the podcast Feminine Power Time and the readers of my blog.

Tune into this years Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) or June Solstice (for those in the the Southern) Mid Year Power Pause Meditation. Tune into this mini power pause from the player above – only 20 minutes or so – and gain some clarity and focus about this next half of the year. Or subscribe on Itunes or Stitcher.


Christine Arylo Feminine Power Time Podcast

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** And if you want to do the full power pause this year – just go to www.superpowerpause.com where you can take it anytime in June or July. 

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