Craving More Spaciousness? Try the Feminine Super Power for Creating Space!

 In Feminine Super Powers, Self Love, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Wisdom Blog

I made this divine spark for all of you out there in the world that are feeling squishy, stressed and stretched… like there is not enough time and space inside your life for YOU!

I hear so many people talk about needing to find more time… wishing they had more time … saying things like “I need to make time for XX or I need to find time for myself.” And the thing is that you can’t “make” time and you can’t “find” time. It’s not like you can go into your kitchen and whip up some time 🙂 And time isn’t lost. It’s right here always the same 24/7 – 24 hours, 7 days a week that is kind of it.

So here’s the secret … while you can’t make or find time, you can CREATE SPACE!

If you keep looking for more time, you will never create the space you crave. You have to claim the space outside of time and believe that you will get more done, not less, because you did.


Creating space is a feminine super power I learned about when I started my divine feminine training about 7 years ago and I found myself stretched beyond capacity and feeling like my life was taking me over. I realized that if I tried to keep doing things the way I always I had, I was going to be exhausted, resentful and unhappy, always chasing balance instead of having it.

Feminine Super Powers are..

innate abilities and practices we have within ourselves that when activated and mastered allow us to move and groove, and thrive in our lives in a much more harmonious, sustainable and spacious way … you know when you feel like you are in the FLOW and you feell SUPPORTED and like you are riding the wave of life with the universe as your surfboard. Vs the I have to make it happen, there is too much to do,  i have to do it all right now and by myself, there is no space for me kind of way. It is such a better way to live!

Like all feminine super powers they require them to actually practice them, use them and become masterful at wielding them.

So I created this video for you to share some of the ways I practice and strengthen my Feminine Super Power of Creating Space … so that I feel more spacious, feel more in harmony and I have more space in my life for all the things that really matter to my heart and soul.

I invite you to watch it, and depending on your level of mastery already, choose ONE practice of creating space you will implement this next month, and heck the rest of the year.

I myself am wielding my Feminine Super Power of Creating Space by taking off to the UK tomorrow for a 1 week sacred pilgrimage Christine Arylo in Italyto a place I have always known I would visit – the sacred land of Glastonbury, UK where it is said that sacred land of Avalon once was (this is the land they talk about in the book Mists of Avalon… if you haven’t read it, do!)  Here’s me from my last sacred pilgrimage to the northern coast of Italy where I started a 40 day pilgrimage that included only being online for 4 hours a day so that I could change my relationship to the Internet, my computer and my online habit. As soon as I landed here, my entire being FELT spacious (and you can see why).

I take a sacred pilgrimage for myself every year — it’s part of my mastery practice of cultivating spaciousness.

SO love… watch the video…. and then choose… what Creating Space Feminine Super Power practice will you try this year?

Will it be honoring yourself by cultivating …

  •  A DAILY SPACE PRACTICE – at least 5 minutes of YOU time in the morning – nothing or no one else.
  • A WEEKLY SPACE DAY – one day unstructured and unplanned so that magical things can come in, you can be spontaneous or spend your day doing what inspires you
  • A WEEKLY SPACE EVENING – an evening with your heart and soul, and the divine.  Like my Thursday temple nights, where at 7pm the outside world gets turned off, and I tune into my inner world.
  • THE FEMININE SUPER POWER DAYS – Equinoxes, Solstices and a few more days in between, these are super power days that give you extra power to tap into the earth, the Divine and yourself. Great days for checking in on your heart and soul and making sure you are living in alignment with your heart and soul.
  • A YEARLY SACRED PILGRIMAGE – Be it weekend or a week or something in between, time out of your normal space so that you can expand into new spaciousness, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

I look forward to creating space with you for many years to come – I promise to continue to create invitations to creating more spaciousness. Here are some to put on your calendar:

Fall Equinox – Sept 23rd evening – free livestream and special equinox ritual (details to come!)

Grace Under Pressure day retreats and evening salons –

Sept 12th – London

Oct 3rd – Chicago

Oct 5th – New York City

Oct 11-  California








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