Feeling rejected or left out? Heal your heart with this.

 In Inner Mean Girl, Self Love, Wisdom Blog

Transmute feeling rejected, abandoned and uninvited with this video from the Divine Heart and My Heart to yours!

I don’t think there is a one of us who hasn’t had our heart hurt because we felt excluded – not invited to the party, the dinner, the project, the meeting, the whatever. And when that happens, doesn’t it feel like you are 7 years old again and you didn’t get invited to sit at the cool kids table. Ouch. Feeling rejected hurts

Heart hurt girl


In the past few weeks I’ve had moments when I have felt left out and it really hurt. And I saw so clearly how I had the power to either get mad and blame others and keep the hurt going OR… choose to mother those tender parts in myself, reject the story of being abandoned or excluded and look for evidence of more love.

It wasn’t easy but I chose to reject rejection!

You see, if you don’t transform the dark parts inside your heart that have been hurt, they just keep operating under the surface, driving you to be passive aggressive, resentful, and dark goo eeks out all over your relationships, choices and thoughts – creating the opposite of what you want, which is love. But when you pause, tap into this full moon love energy, and transmute the hurt into love, you become free and you can actually create more loving relationships and release those abandonment triggers.

From a spiritual perspective, you can’t really be rejected anyway, even though that’s what it feels like at the time.

Often what appears like rejection when you are feeling rejection is just the Divine’s way of redirecting you to what is better for you. It’s your attachment to where that love and inclusion comes from that creates the suffering and feelings of rejection.


In the moment, when we feel left out or rejected, we owe it to ourselves to acknowledge the little part of us that is hurt, and then respond from the EMPOWERED part of us who has options, and who does not give their love power – the feeling of being loved and like you belong – away to anyone. The BEST three empowered acts you can take the next time you feel left out is lean in to love by:

  1. Other-love... Invite yourself to whatever it is, without attachment to whether they say yes or no
  2. Self-Love… Ask yourself what YOU want to do and do that – you don’t need others to feel loved.
  3. Divine-love.. Ask the Divine what it wants to do with you, what it’s trying to lead you to instead that is even better for you.

You have the power to reject rejection too, but you have to be willing to release the rejection story and see the divine truth.

And from a human heart perspective, you still need someone to witness the hurt so you can let it go and open up the space to see Divine Love’s hand who is just trying to move you to more grace!

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