Acknowledge All You Have Done and Become This Year: Winter Solstice Meditation

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TAKE THIS MEDITATION and then read below and take the Daring Act of Love to
Acknowledge Yourself for All You Have Done and Become This Year

Did you ever notice that come December you can hardly remember what happened in February, April or May? Which is such a tragedy – given all the effort, time and love you put into your life in 2012.

I know that this past year you have faced challenges, overcome obstacles, had great successes, met failure and persevered – and here’s the truth – you deserve acknowledgment for that! Not only do you deserve it, you need it.

And here’s why – when you don’t stop to acknowledge and witness all that you have BECOME and DONE in a year, it’s almost like it didn’t really happen. It’s like you get amnesia and you forget, so you keep repeating the same lessons, keep feeling like you aren’t doing enough, keep striving to get somewhere instead of feeling peaceful with where you are at.

BUT… if you do STOP to ACKNOWLEDGE all you have both DONE and BECOME then it feels like it really happened, you REMEMBER and you FEEL GOOD about yourself. Feeling good about yourself, you can walk into 2013 with an open heart, ready to receive all the love, joy and peace waiting for you.

It is important to acknowledge both what you’ve DONE — the actions and tangible shifts like writing a book, getting a new job, losing 5 lbs. AND who you have BECOME — the emotional, spiritual and intangible shifts like being more compassionate with yourself, releasing a negative pattern, choosing self-care or self-pleasure over overwork.

I highly encourage you to GUSH LOVE all over yourself. For extra super power do the acknowledging in front of a mirror or with another person who can witness you by asking and answering these questions outloud or writing them down (both for the best result!)

1. I acknowledge you NAME for ….
2. I am so proud of you NAME for… (lists lots here)
3. You really did a great job at …. (list lots here)
4. I am so proud of who you have become, just look at how you have… (gush here)
5. You can be really proud of yourself for…

Fill yourself up with LOVE this weekend and then go out into the world as a Love Ambassador and share the LOVE.


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