Zip Your Way To Happiness and Freedom!

 In Happiness, Inner Mean Girl, Making Changes & Navigating Uncertainty, Power, Wisdom Blog

That’s what happens when you fly 5000 feet above the jungle floor on a wire 🙂
You get big AHA’s from the Divine about your life.

I got TWO BIG EPHANINIES in TWO MINUTES that you can take and use in your life to see what’s holding you down from the happiness and joy your heart and soul crave.

Watch the video and then make the promise to ask your Inner Wisdom what to do using the two questions I wrote below…

  1. What do I need to drop, release, get rid of, transform, to have more freedom and happiness? What’s dragging me down and how do I do something differently?
  2. Who or what do I not have faith will be there to support me if I jump, fly, trust? What’s the truth?


State what’s been dragging you down here on the blog … and then make a promise to take one action to jump, fly, trust…. we’ll witness you! You can do it!

And if you need some  help moving through that fear – join me and hundreds of people around the world as we give our inner critics new jobs and get way better at listening to and acting from our Inner Wisdom – lets zipline through life with our Inner Wisdoms not our inner critics!

Check it all out at



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