4 Practices to Help You Stay Mentally and Emotionally Healthy & Clear (#1 of 3)

 In Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Practices, Releasing Stress, Self Love, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Spiritual Practices, Staying Sane In An Insane World Series, Sustainable Change & Growth, Wellbeing

Feminine Power Time #161
4 Practices to Help You Stay Mentally and Emotionally Healthy & Clear
(#3 of 3 in the Staying Sane in an Insane World Series)

How do you stay mentally and emotionally healthy in the chaos of this world? 

Did you know that the word sane means free from mental disturbance? I would add emotional disturbance too. The kinds that create confusion, doubt, impulsive choices, procrastination and all kinds of the commotion we might be feeling within, and are seeing spinning in our world.

While we cannot stop the insanity we see happening in our world and the people within it at a whole new level these days (or even may be feeling ourselves)… there are things we can DO to stay sane, sustained, centered and focused on what matters. Emotionally healthy. Mentally clear. Physically vital.

We ‘do’ these things – called practices – not just when the wave of insanity becomes a tsunami or a tropical storm. The wise ones put these into place proactively, we design our lives, the way we work, think and operate with them.

Our daily and weekly practices are the structures that hold us no matter what is happening around us.

Our practices give us the space to have our human emotions and release them out of our system so we can respond from an elevated, higher frequency, more humane consciousness that opens people and possibility up vs. creating more polarity and unhelpful chaos.

Our practices give us wisdom.

So we can use our creative life force to create the world we desire for ourselves, each other, and those we love, lead and influence.

So here’s what we are going to do these next three episodes of Feminine Power Time focused on “Staying Sane in an Insane World” …

Start with 4 practices for staying emotionally healthy & mentally healthy & clear in this episode #162. Then perspectives. Then possibilities.

We are going to be with what is, and use our super power to lighten up, be the creators and the makers, and ensure we have what we need to make clear, supportive choices and navigate when we ‘fall off our surfboard’.

Tune in and I’ll share more about the practices:


Did you know that the root of the word SANE means healthy?

Which means we are diving into how to Stay Healthy in an Unhealthy World.

Just think about that re-frame … if you let your wise being eyes see the unhealthy worlds and realities… and you make a choice to stay healthy – mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally and materially at this time – how would that inform or guide your daily, weekly and bigger choices.

Something to ponder … and put into practice 🙂

With great heart,





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Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Experiences

What I know about this fall and winter… 

1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils 2021/2022 – for women whose work and purpose is to re-imagine and re-design the way we work as a world … through the field you work in and the presence you are … and would love to have collaboration, guidance, wisdom, space with other conscious change makers.

Starts October 2021. Applications being accepted now.


2. Path of Self Love 12-week training for professional: Self Love Essentials: Specific Self Love Tools for emotional and mental wellness in our times  – www.PathofSelfLove.org  

3. Fierce Grace: Power Presence Purpose. Feminine Leadership Experience – 6-week, virtual – Starts Sept 29th. 


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